Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cheat Day Diet For Fast Weight Loss

Published on Nov 02, 2011 by Josh Schlottman

Most people don’t know that by going on a cheat day diet you can actually lose belly fat and more weight than you could while being super strict with your nutrition program.  There’s a ton of science behind it but there are some very careful stipulations you’re going to want to know about before you start rolling up to Pizza Hut.

Cheat Day Dieting Isn’t For Losers

When I first started getting pretty hardcore about my diet and initially found some of the 30 pounds of extra weight I had on my body started falling off but eventually I hit a plateau that I just couldn’t get out of to save my life.  I was slamming my head against the wall because I didn’t know what the heck was going on because I was so strict with my diet that I thought I would reach my goal in no time, but I was dead wrong.

I don’t care who you are I’m going to go out and say that dieting is hard for everyone.  Most people can’t handle it and after a few hours of momentary dedication they end up binging on half of the McDonalds menu.  And I’m not one to talk because back when I didn’t know much about dieting I was doing the same things over and over again.

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