Saturday, November 19, 2011

Remembering Steve Jobs

There are few people in this world who reach such remarkable achievements as Steve Jobs has and he truly made a huge dent in the universe.  I’m sure by the time you’re reading this you’ve already heard the unfortunate news Steve Jobs passed away yesterday.

I wanted to write something about this incredible person who was able to create something meaningful for the world and place such impact on others lives.  Steve overcame many hardships it’s amazing he inspired so many despite his struggles.  I love studying successful people and I can tell you Steve Jobs tops the list of people who’s traits and creative ingenuity I’ve studied.

Even if you’re not into technology and gadgets you can still respect the remarkable level of impact he’s had as just about everybody has or at least knows somebody who uses one of his creations.  iPhones, iPods and iMacs have made technology more accessible for everyday people who are just looking to stay in contact with their loved ones and share some memories.

Immediately upon hearing upon his death I was deeply saddened and it felt like somebody pulled the rug from out under me.  I can truly say he was one of my heroes and I know my life will be forever impacted as I’m striving to create my own dent in the universe.

I also quickly went to YouTube and watched his 2005 commencement speech to Stanford University with some immediate relief from the unfortunate news.

After watching Steve’s commencement speech you can’t help but feel inspired to start taking action on the life you truly want to live and to not try fitting into what society thinks you should be.  One of the main reasons I created this blog was the opportunity of being able to reach so many people and hopefully inspire their journey towards transforming their bodies, lives and minds.

Some of the quotes I love from this speech:

“No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet, death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it, and that is how it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life. It’s life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new.”

“Almost everything: all external expectations, all pride all fear of embarrassment or failure. These tings just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.”

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well worn path.”

Best Fat Burning Exercise

There are quite a few components to the and to be honest with you it’s freaking intense.  I seriously don’t believe most beginners will even be able to get 10 full repetitions of this mega fat burning exercise.

I remember when I first tried them and I thought my chest was about to cave in after trying them for only 30 seconds.  But if you’re looking for my #1 exercise to lose belly fat this is easily going to be the winner.

In my opinion, the is known as Man Makers.

The reason I like it so much as a fat burning exercise is because it combines multiple movements, muscle groups and joints into one exercise.  Here are the exercises that are combined into this one movement.

Components of the BurpeePush-upRenegade RowSwingsSquatOverhead Press

If you’re not winded after doing 10 full repetitions with a challenging weight then you must be from another world.  I personally like to combine Man Makers with TRX Low Rows or Pull-ups.  Here’s is a sample superset exercise routine I would with the Man Makers.

RoutineMan Makers x10

Fat Burning Foods For Women

In this blog post I’m going to share with you some of my best belly and men that everybody should be eating.  I think there are a lot of foods that we believe are healthy for us when they’re really very unhealthy.  They’re causing us to get sick and fat as we keep stuffing our faces with this junk because we don’t know how bad it really is.

In all honesty the biggest problem for most people is that they just keep eating the same junk food that they know is bad for them but they have absolutely no self control over their appetites.  The key I’ve found when it comes to sticking to my nutrition plan is to actually write down what I’m eating BEFORE I eat it and to constantly be eating something every 4 hours just to keep myself from binging.

This is the ginormous problem with restricting your calories and I’ve seen it way too many times as people try to suddenly lose belly fat but after starving themselves for about half a day they’ll instinctually want to eat everything in sight.  The key is not to avoid food but to eat healthy food every 3-4 hours so you don’t go crazy and end up binging on Whoppers and Big Macs.  I don’t consider myself to have a ton of constant self discipline but I’ll show you this 1 trick I like to use to stick to eating these and men.

My 1 Trick To Eat These and Men

I also keep a digital copy of my Flat Belly Formula book in my iPhone so when I’m in the store I can be prepared to buy things off the food list for each recipe I intend to eat.  It makes it significantly easier for you to stick to your diet plan when you prepare ahead of time but most people don’t like to do that because it’s a hassle.  But automatically having recipes on you at all times such as your smartphone is going to help you stick to your meal plans because it takes out one less step making you more likely to actually do it.

Some of these and men don’t include many of the foods we’ve been brainwashed into thinking are healthy for us.  Supposedly healthy foods that make this list include soy, grains, refined carbohydrates, processed foods and artificial sweeteners.  You won’t find me putting any white rice, soy sauce, bagels or Splenda on this list of belly fat burning foods because they’ll end up doing the exact opposite of losing belly fat.

Here’s a list of healthy protein and men that I recommend:grass fed beefAlaskan salmonfree-range, vegetarian fed, omega-3 eggsraw whole milkprotein powdertunaturkeylambvenisonbuffalohalibutcod

As you can see I don’t shy away from “red meats” and I firmly believe they’ve gotten a bad reputation as artery clogging gremlins when they contain a ton of healthy nutrients for your body.  Not only are they very rich in protein but they also contain some saturated fats that are body needs to survive and thrive.  That’s why I’m not afraid to put them on my belly and men list.  Like with anything moderation is going to be key and this doesn’t entitle you to eat cow 7 days a week but don’t be afraid to eat it a few times a week guilt free.

Vegetables and fruits should also be making up the majority of your caloric intake from carbohydrates and this is probably the #1 thing most people are lacking in their diets.  Most of us get our carbohydrates from refined and processed sources which cause our blood sugars to spike leading to weight gain and other health problems.  The thing with these refined carbohydrates is that the more we eat of them the more our bodies will start to crave them almost like an addiction.

Here are my favorite carbohydrate and men:collard greensmustard greenskalebrussel sproutsbroccolicelerycauliflowergarlicpumpkinbeetsasparaguscarrotspeasberries

The green leafy vegetables are going to be the most nutrient dense ones that you should be eating the most of.  Fruits should be eaten way fewer than vegetables and a good trick is to juice your vegetables to maximize your intake.  The juicer is kind of a pain to clean out but it makes it so easy to take in those vegetables that it makes it worth every ounce of effort.

I like to juice my veggies every other day and drink it twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon.  It’s mostly leafy green vegetables and even though it doesn’t taste great I know I’ll feel WAY better after drinking it.

Belly Fat Burning Exercises

I was getting bored with my traditional workouts lately so I thought it would be a fun idea to mix things up with these .  Most of the time you’ll do fine with just a pair of dumbbells or your bodyweight for your fat burning workouts but to be honest with you sometimes you have to spice things up a little bit.

I like using some fitness toys and gadgets in my workouts not just because it adds a little flavor to my workouts but because when use correctly they’ll also enhance my workouts as well.  Picking up a few pieces of fitness equipment here and there have gradually accumulated for me and now I have a giant gym bag filled with goodies.

The enemy when it comes to training programs is monotony because doing the same thing over and over again will not only stagger your results but will also leave you dreading your boring workout.  So it’s going to be imperative to constantly evolve and progress your workouts not only for your rapid fat loss results but also just to keep up your adherence to your training program.

Mixing It Up With These

Friday, November 18, 2011

Dark Side of Fat Loss Review

In this I’m going to share with you my personal thoughts on the program created by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness.  If you’re unaware who Croxton he’s a CHEK Certified Holistic Lifestyle Coach as well as a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist.  I first came across Croxton on YouTube and I was immediately impressed with both his passion and knowledge for an underground approach to a healthy lifestyle.

I personally purchased the Dark Side of Fat Loss when it was first released and after pouring over every piece of information I can honestly tell you this is one of, if not the most complete, nutrition packages I’ve seen being released on the internet.  The thing I really love about the book is that Croxton writes likes he’s talking with his best friend and even though there are a few “big” words in the book he explains it so even a 10 year old can comprehend it.

I’ve read a lot of health books in my day and I’ll be honest when I tell you the majority of them stand on a podium and talk down to the reader but with the Dark Side of Fat Loss I found this clearly wasn’t the case.  The book starts off with Croxton discussing how everything he learned in college was totally WRONG and after a long time of frustratingly disappointing results with his clients he finally decided to find an alternative route to fat loss.

Conventional theories on fat loss such as calories in equals calories out and slow-go cardio turned out to be complete B.S. and I will agree with that 100%.  Starving your body while jogging on the treadmill for an hour today isn’t going to produce the results you’re looking for if you’re goal is fat loss.  In fact, I consider it to be a borderline torture!

My 100% Honest

Croxton even admits that his own diet and exercise lifestyles were getting out of control.  Even though he was following the so-called health experts advice he was depressed, angry and severely lacked energy.

If you’ve been a reader of my blog for anytime I’m sure you’ll know that I’m totally against the whole calories in calories out garbage.  Even if you lose some weight from starving yourself on a 1,000 calorie a day diet you won’t be able to keep it up for long term and most people end up right back where they started or even worse they end up gaining a few pounds.

I wanted to make it clear in this  that it isn’t the amount of calories you’re taking in that’s necessarily the problem but the kinds of calories that makes all the difference.  You see different food are going to cause different hormonal responses from your body and this is what makes a huge difference in why some people burn fat and others gain fat.

Diet Components for this

In the Dark Side of Fat Loss the author is a adamant supporter of the caveman diet and simply tells you that if the food you’re eating wasn’t around 10,000 years ago then don’t eat it!  Other simple nutrition instructions include if you can’t pronounce an ingredient then don’t eat it and if it comes in a box or bag then don’t eat it.

But don’t think the Dark Side of Fat Loss is just going to leave you hanging there because they’re also including the Dark Side of Fat Loss Cookbook which includes a ton of recipes as well as instructional videos on how to cook most of them.  I know that I’m no wizard in the kitchen so the Cookbook actually turned out to be one of the most important components of the Dark Side of Fat Loss.

In addition to the in depth nutritional information Croxton also digs a little deeper at some of the other causes of why we put on fat and can’t seem to get it off.  Many of these reasons are also why we can’t sleep well at night, have digestive issues and are stressed out of our mines.  He introduces a lot of concepts that will have you not only burning more fat but living a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Workout Manual for this

And in case you were wondering I also wanted to mention in this  that there is a workout manual that’s also available that was created by Brett Klika.  Once you purchase the  Dark Side of Fat Loss you’ll be given a special opportunity to pick it up.  Klika has years and years of training experience behind him and he’s on the presenters circuit for personal training conventions as well as being nominated for personal trainer of the year.

I would recommend picking up the workout manual in addition to the Dark Side of Fat Loss because even though you’ll burn a ton of fat just by doing the nutrition program you’l take it up to another level with the easy to follow and practically done for you workout training manual.

Overall I’ve found the Dark Side of Fat Loss to be a fresh a breath air when it comes to fat loss and goes against what most of the media has wrongly been imprinting into our minds for decades about nutrition and exercise.  I had a great time reading both manuals for this  and I hope it’s given you some clarity if this program is for you.

Best Way to Lose Belly Fat

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Almost anyone who is trying to lose weight is probably also placing a lot of focus on attaining a flat stomach. A flat stomach can be a great source of confidence for those who are able to achieve it. Those who are not able to make it, yearn for it.

What is the best way to lose belly fatThe best way to lose belly fat is to do it naturally without the aid of gimmicks or fad diets.  You may be able to lose a lot of weight with these gimmicks but it is seldom fat loss. Weight loss can be a combination of muscle, water and fat loss.  When ever fad diets or gimmicks are used, there is a tendency to lose more muscle and water than fat.

Fad diets and gimmicks will never help you to lose belly fat. This is because the belly fat is the body’s emergency fat store and its going to take a lot more than brute force dieting to get the body to release this for burning. The only way to trick your body into releasing fat from this emergency stores is via a holistic approach to fat loss.

A holistic approach to losing belly fat requires the incorporation of the 7 keys of correct weight loss as explained below.

NutritionHealthy nutrition is essential if you want to shed fat. You essentially got to get rid of junk food and add high quality whole foods into your diet. Take note of meal quantity, quality and timing. Read more about healthy diet to burn belly fat.

ExercisesRegular exercise is extremely important to lose belly fat. Without a proper exercise regimen, you will find it difficult to lose belly fat. Read more about the best exercises to lose belly fat.

SupplementationIt is important that you take a quality multivitamin-multimineral. This acts as nutritional insurance against any deficiency that may exist. Certain nutritional deficiencies can cause a disturbances in your fat metabolism. In addition to this, you should also consider consuming a quality omega-3 fish oil capsule. This again has been shown to aid in fat loss.

RestorationAn often forgotten part of losing weight is restoration. Restoration in this case refers to adequate sleep and stress management. High levels of stress and lack of sleep can severely sabotage your weight loss efforts.

EducationIt is extremely important that you have basic knowledge about how your body handles fat. With this understanding, you will be able to pick out the genuine methods to lose fat and the gimmicks. Most people fall for ridiculous gimmicks because they lack fundamental knowledge about weight loss. Most people think that fat can be made to disappear into thin air.

FeedbackThis relates to all the measurements that you need to take to make sure that you are on the right track. The most important measurement to take is the body fat level with a pair of calipers. This will ultimately tell you if you are making real progress in your efforts to lose belly fat. Most women will have reasonably flat stomachs at about 20% body fat and 6-pack abs at 15%body fat. Men will have reasonably flat stomachs at about 15% body fat and 6-pack abs at about 10% body fat. As long as your body fat is reducing, you know that you are on the right track.

Social SupportThe last essential part of a holistic approach to losing belly fat is the right social support. You have to be in the company of people who have similar goals or practice a healthy lifestyle. These people will uplift you and keep you focused on your goals. This is unlike others who will chide you and do their best to derail your efforts so that they do not feel guilty of not doing something for themselves.

Suresh and Paramjit discuss in greater detail, what you can do to lose belly fat in the video above. They also go into some things that you should avoid. It is hoped that the resources on this page will help in providing you the best way to lose belly fat.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 11:22 — 10.4MB)

Best Way to Lose Belly Fat FastTranscript of The Best Way to Lose Belly FatHi I am Suresh V and I am Paramjit and we are from the Correct Weight Loss team.

[Suresh] Today we are going to talk about the best way to lose belly fat. I think there is a big interest in this topic for a lot of people who are struggling with belly fat. We are going to talk about what causes belly fat in the first place. We got a list of items that we believe actually induces belly fat.

[Suresh] The first is alcohol. Alcohol is a big no-no as far as belly fat is concerned. If you want to avoid belly fat, try to avoid alcohol. Basically it has a high amount of calories and its a form of toxin to the body. The body wants to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Therefore when you take alcohol, the body starts burning alcohol first and stops all other calorie burning in the form of fat or carbs.

[Paramjit] It also messes up your hormonal system.

[Suresh] Yes. It reduces your testosterone and other beneficial hormone levels.

Avoid refined carbohydrates [0:01:06.2][Suresh] The other thing that you want to avoid is refined carbs. This is stuff like sugar and white flour. These foods induce huge spikes in insulin. These also cause huge spikes of calories in your body. The body is not used to handling these type of foods. Excess calories that can’t burned are stored as fat in the belly and other areas.

[Paramjit] These refined carbs are the main culprits for the obesity epidemic. You get so much of refined carbohydrates around us. This continuous insulin spikes are really bad for the body. This is where your body starts storing a lot of fat.

[Suresh] When the insulin spikes, you store fat within the abdominal cavity and this is called visceral fat. This is major contributor of belly fat.

Avoid liquid calories [0:01:52.0][Suresh]  The other thing you want to avoid is liquid calories. Things like sodas and all these sweetened beverages are definitely having the same kind of effect on your body as refined carbs. It spikes insulin as too many calories are released into the body at one go. These surplus calories are stored in the body as fat.

[Paramjit] A lot of people do not realize that even the lattes and the coffees that people are used to drinking, are quite calorie dense.

Avoid junk food [0:02:17.1][Suresh] The other thing is fast food and junk food . That is obvious. These are highly dense in calories and very low in nutrition.

[Paramjit] There is also a lot of junk in it like trans fats.

[Suresh] Yes. Trans fats are the other stuff that messes up your hormonal balance. You want to avoid fast food and junk food.

Avoid skipping breakfast [0:02:36.7][Suresh] The last thing you want to do is that is to skip breakfast. A lot of people think that they will lose weight by skipping breakfast. If you want to lose belly fat, you must have a good healthy breakfast. If you don’t have your breakfast, your body goes into a long starvation period because you have not eaten for 8 hours. To make things worse, you skip breakfast. It’s 12 hours to 14 hours before you have your lunch. Your body thinks it is starving and therefore goes into starvation mode where it slows down your metabolism to help you survive. The body does not know that you are skipping breakfast. The body thinks you are starving. The minute you have something to eat at  lunch time, your slow metabolism causes the food that you eat to be stored as fat.

[Paramjit] I guess you covered some of the things not to do. So let us look at some of the things that you should do

Consume a healthy and wholesome diet [0:03:34.6][Paramjit] The most important part to help burn belly fat is your diet. Good nutrition is extremely important for weight loss and for belly fat loss. You have to eat more complex carbs. You spoke earlier about avoiding refined carbs.  Refined carbs really cause havoc in the body. Some people go to the extreme and cut carbs out completely.

[Suresh] That may not be a good strategy because it is not sustainable. We need a certain amount of carbs in our body. Eat healthy carbs. If you cut carbs too much, you lose a lot of nutrients that help your metabolism to work optimally.

[Paramjit] People fail to realize that they will not gain weight if they eat carbohydrates in its natural form….

[Suresh] Like salads, fruits…

[Paramjit] or even potatoes … What we have to be careful about is carbohydrates that have been processed by man. You get white flour. White flour is the biggest poison you can take. Avoid refined carbs but do not avoid complex carbs. Have adequate protein. You also got to be adequately hydrated. Water is very important. When there is inadequate water in the body, the cells cannot function properly.

[Suresh]  Fat burning slows down as a result of inadequate hydration. The metabolism does not function properly.

[Paramjit] You got to have adequate hydration for the cells to work in the proper way to help fat burning. So good nutrition and adequate hydration is extremely important for optimal functioning of your metabolism.

[Paramjit] The other thing to remember is that you have to be on a diet that you can sustain for your whole life. It cannot be a stop-gap measure of a one or two month diet.

[Suresh] It must be a lifestyle.

[Paramjit] It has to be a lifestyle. It has to be something that you can sustain. If it is something that you practice for only 2 or 3  months, what happens when you stop and go back to your “normal lifestyle”? You put on all the fat again.

Regular exercise is a must [0:05:26.7][Paramjit] The other part that you got to consider is exercise. Some people don’t like it when you mention exercise.

[Suresh] Look, I think most of us don’t like the exercise part. The idea is not to enjoy the exercise too much but to learn to enjoy the results of the exercise. You got to think beyond the exercise. You do the exercise to get the results that you want.

[Paramjit] That is a very good point. You are working for the results that exercise gives. Off course the exercise itself is a little painful but endure it for the results. It is the results that we are all after.

[Suresh] The pain is temporary but the results are forever.

[Paramjit] Well said. the pain is temporary and the results are permanent.

Get adequate sleep and manage stress [0:06:14.4][Paramjit] Another point to take note of is sleep.This is one part that a lot of people do not realize

[Suresh] I believe there is actually a correlation. Studies show that Americans are sleeping less and less. They are getting less sleep with the internet and all the latest gadgets available. You will notice that there is an increase in obesity. Sleep has been proven scientifically to have a tremendous effect on your fat burning abilities. If you don’t get enough sleep, you mess up a lot of processes in the body.

[Paramjit] The other part to be aware of  is that our minds are working all the time. We are not able to shut down.

[Suresh] Basically people are stressed up. The cortisol levels are elevated.

[Paramjit] Yes people are stressed. Stress hormones are bad for losing fat and losing weight. Besides good sleep, you also neet to have a technique or mechanism to de-stress yourself. Off course exercise helps to de-stress.

[Paramjit] To a certain extent….

[Suresh] Yes to a certain extent. But there are other de-stressing mechanism like meditation which definitely helps  to cut your stress levels.

Find a source of motivation [0:07:20.3][Paramjit] You need to have some level of motivation and this can come from having other people around you who are going after the same weight loss goals. Try to find other people who also want to lose weight and get a slim belly. Find people that have the same common goal. People with common goals can motivate each other. Some times you have down days and some time your partner may have his or her down days. It is important to motivate each other. It is an important aspect. It is a the softer side of weight loss

[Suresh] The body and the mind are inter-related. Get your mind on the right track and your body will follow. You  have to mix around with the right crowd and read the good stuff. Your mind will start moving in the right direction and your body will follow.

[Paramjit] These are the softer aspects of losing belly fat or weight loss but these are important and carry you a long way.

Educate yourself about weight loss basics [0:08:17.6][Paramjit] The other aspect that I always thought was important is to have at least adequate basic knowledge about weight loss. You got to at least know the difference between weight loss and fat loss. You have to know if  all of your weight loss is coming from fat loss? Are you losing muscles in the process? These are all fundamentals that you got to know. Some people try to be ignorant. Just tell me what to do, they say. When you have this frame of mind, you can fall for gimmicks. You got to know what is right and what is wrong. Having the right knowledge is extremely important so that you continue to get results.

[Suresh] Adequate knowledge actually creates self-discipline. Human beings by nature cannot knowingly do something foolish. It is impossible to knowingly do something foolish. You only foolish things when you are ignorant. Once you know the truth, you can’t knowingly do something foolish. It creates self-discipline effortlessly.

[Paramjit] It is sad because some people just say, “Just tell me what to do and I will do it”. It may work to a certain extent

[Suresh] It works to some degree but you will gain all the weight back because you are not taking responsibility for that area of your life.

[Paramjit] You got to take responsibility.

[Suresh] Responsibility and freedom goes together. Which ever area in your life that you take responsibility, you are free in that area. That is part of growing up.

So I guess without going into more details, these quick tips can help you and put you on the right track to lose belly fat. This is one of the fastest ways to  start losing belly fat. If you incorporate these tips into your lifestyle, you will get results.

From the Correct Weight Loss team, this time do it right.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

This 1 Vegetable Makes You GAIN Fat

Published on Oct 02, 2011 by Josh Schlottman

We’re all pretty much aware we should be eating lots of vegetables in our diets but there is one tricky little veggie that’s a pain in our butts.  Most people think it’s healthy and it’s really not their fault because nobody really told them that this particular vegetable is actually going to make them fat rather than keep them healthy.

I remember pounding down these babies growing up thinking I was the man because I was eating my vegetables.  Too bad somebody didn’t smack me upside the head and tell me that I was doing more harm than good.

So what is this phantom vegetable that’s going to make you GAIN fat?


Yes potatoes are considered a high carbohydrate food because of all the starch it contains and consuming too much of them can negatively affect your health.  When you look at the statistics showing 65% of Americans are overweight and 27% are clinically obese it’s not because of the fat that we’re eating in our diets it’s because of the starchy and sugary carbohydrates.

View the Original article

How to Lose Belly Fat for Women

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Most women have the perennial problem of trying to deal with the excess fat in their bellies. Women are sadly very inclined to gain weight in the belly area. It is not surprising that women spend most of their lives chasing that ideal body shape that they so badly yearn for.

Lack of weight loss educationIt is unfortunate that most women would be unsuccessful at trying to lose belly fat. The simple reason for this is that most women do not have enough education about the fundamentals of how the body manages fat. Most women approach fat loss from a logical point of view. They feel that if they cut down their food, they will lose weight. If they cut down their food even more, they should lose even more weight. This may have been true when they were younger, especially before pregnancy. Most women in their college days could skip some meals and get the extra pounds of easily. In those years, women had their hormones on their side. As they age, this same pattern of skipping meals, reducing food intake and fad diets actually make the fat loss problem worse.

At an older age, potent fat burning hormones such as the Human Growth Hormone start to decline. Most women would have also lost a lot of muscle mass from all the dieting done in the earlier years. The loss of muscles has also made most women insensitive to the insulin hormone thus slowly but surely making them insulin resistant. Pregnancy also plays a major impact on later life weight gain. Some women never recover from post-pregnancy weight gain. All these factors are compounded as they age.

The sad thing is that the more weight they put on, the more they do the things that are causing them to gain weight. Most of these women cannot believe that what they were doing in the earlier years is not working. They cannot understand why skipping meals and the diets are not helping with weight loss anymore. In fact the weight just keeps creeping up.

You have to be prepared for the battles of later ageMost women are not prepared for the weight loss battles of later age. They would have done so much damage in their earlier years that they would have lost considerable amounts of muscles. The belly starts to stick out and the posture starts to slump. The body is paying back for all the rapid diets of the earlier years.

There is hopeThere is hope for all the women out there. You really need to do two things which will set you on the track towards effective fat loss and a flat stomach. The first is to eliminate refined carbohydrates from your diet. The next thing is to start weight resistance training to rebuild all the lost muscles. Weight resistance training will also help normalize your hormonal balance. Increasing your muscle mass will make your body more sensitive to insulin. When you take these two steps together, you should start seeing the pounds drop.

If you still do not see enough progress, start removing more carbohydrates. The problem is often caused by elevated levels of insulin. You really need to bring your insulin levels down before you can ever see weight loss progress. You could even monitor your insulin levels via 2 monthly blood tests. Tell your doctor that you want to measure insulin and not glucose. he will off course try to talk you out of it, telling you that your glucose levels are normal. Insist in an insulin test and monitor it.

Once your insulin levels normalize the pounds will come down. There will be an upward spiral as you start rebuilding the lost muscles. Once you are in reasonable shape, do not fall back into the trap of your old lifestyle. It is this lifestyle that made you gain weight in the first place.

Suresh and Dr Jasvin discuss about some of the points that women should take note of when trying to lose belly fat. You can get a toned and flat belly if you know what you are doing and why you are doing it.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 5:38 — 5.2MB)

Video Transcript of “How to Burn Belly Fat for Women”Hello this is Suresh V and I am Dr Jasvin and we are from the Correct Weight Loss team.

[Suresh] Today we are going to talks about an interesting topic called how to lose belly fat for women. Dr Jasvin what do you think. Interesting topic?

[Dr Jasvin] Very interesting topic and a big problem with a lot of women.

[Suresh] So why do women have belly fat?

[Dr Jasvin] Well I would think from years of not eating right and lack of exercise. I suppose a lot of women out there are actually trying to lose weight. They may not be doing the right thing so they need to come to the correct path of exercise and nutrition. I think a lot of people are also on the right path of exercise and nutrition but not getting the desired results. A lot of patience is required here.

[Suresh] I noticed that even among men but more so with women, the belly area gets a lot of focus. It seems to be a problematic area. From my understanding there are really 3 reasons why it is a problematic area. Firstly, because of genetics. Most of us are genetically designed to store fat in the belly area. It follows the fat loss theory of first in last out. If the first place you store fat is the belly, the last place to store fat is also the belly. So you must have patience. Ladies have post-pregnancy issues and lost of core muscle strength which causes loose muscles. This gives the illusion of a loose belly. There are also the hormonal problems such as syndrome-X or PCOS that cause storage of excess fat in ladies. I guess if it is the pregnancy induced large belly or hormonal induced problems, you can get faster results if you start going on the right track of the right foods and the right exercise.

[Dr Jasvin] For those women who are post-pregnancy and their core muscles are loose, exercise is a very important part. Also for those with hormonal imbalances such as PCOS, exercise and a good diet can actually bring them back to the normal path without going on medication.

[Suresh] If these are truly the issues that are causing the large belly syndrome, you will get reasonably quick results by getting on the right exercise and nutrition program. However, some women could be predisposed genetically to store subcutaneous fat in the abdomen. In this case, you will have to be more patient with the exercise and the diet. After you have burned fat in the other parts of the body, you will likely start burning fat in the abdomen.

[Dr Jasvin] Patience is a very important factor. A lot of people do not have patience.

[Suresh] They are also very focused on the abdomen because that is the problem area.

[Dr Jasvin] They do spot training and other desperate measures. I have seen a lot of people who have spent 15 years to getting to where they are and they expect to lose it in 1 to 2  months.

[Suresh] Yes it doesn’t make sense.

[Dr Jasvin] It just does not. So you need to be consistent with your diet and exercise and you will see the results.

[Suresh] Also don’t get too hung up with the belly. If you keep the correct measurements, you will notice that you are changing dimensions in the other areas. You may be losing fat in other parts of the body. Once the body burns up all the fat in the other areas, it will move to the belly area and burn fat there.

[Dr Jasvin] Most people do not realize that their clothes are getting more loose. This would be the first indication of weight loss success.

[Suresh] It’s  because they are too focused on the belly area. They tend to lose motivation. If they are intelligently measuring other body parts, they can keep themselves motivated until the fat in the belly starts disappearing too.

I guess that’s all for now. From the Correct Weight Loss team, this time do it right.

Core Exercises For Men

In this blog post I’m going to share with you some of the best you can do to flatten your belly.  Even though I entitled this workout video as the best these exercises can be done by anybody.

The reason I named it that is because you won’t find any lame exercises that make you feel embarrassed while you’re doing them at the gym.  These exercises are definitely more hardcore and intense than the typical crunches and sit-ups that most people do while training abs.

The funny thing about these is the lack of abdominal isolation movements.  Now I’m definitely not against including some abdominal focused exercises but it’s going to be to your advantage to do more of the exercises shown in this video rather than the typical abdominal workout routine.

The reason is because these are compound exercises that involve multiple muscle groups working in multiple planes.  Your body is going to have to work a hell of a lot harder to complete these exercises meaning you’ll be able to better burn off that McRib you just slammed about an hour ago.

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How to Lose Belly Fat Naturally and Fast for Women

0Digg DiggAlmost every woman wants a trim and flat stomach. They will also say that they want to achieve natural belly fat loss. The irony is that very few women even know what natural belly fat loss is. Natural belly fat loss happens when you lose only fat. There should be minimum muscle or water loss from your weight loss efforts.

How to lose belly fat naturally and fast for womenIn order to achieve quick results, women need to do 2 things that are essential. The first thing to do is to normalize hormonal levels. The second thing to do is to boost metabolism. By doing these two things, most women can shed considerable amounts of fat at the belly and other parts of the body.

Normalizing hormonal levelsOne of the main reasons that there is an accumulation of fat in the belly area is because the hormonal system is out of whack. While the hormonal system is a complex mechanism, 2 hormones stand out that play an essential role in losing excess body fat. These are insulin and thyroid.

Most women will be surprised to find that they may have low thyroid levels. This is a condition that is called hypo-thyroid. Before any woman begins any effort to lose weight, she should get her thyroid levels checked. Irregular thyroid levels need to be treated by a medical practitioner. It is essential to get this sorted out as no amount of dieting or exercise will help if the thyroid levels are not within regular levels.

Insulin is also a very potent influence in a woman’s efforts to lose fat in the belly or other parts of the body. Insulin levels get out of whack through the over-consumption of refined carbohydrates. Most people do not realize it but we are consuming just too much refined carbohydrates and simple sugars. Refined carbohydrates are digested very rapidly and as such release a rush of glucose into the blood stream. The body over-compensates by releasing a high level of insulin. This is what is called an insulin spike. The insulin hormone lingers on in the body long after it has done its job of sending excess glucose into the cells. Insulin is a potent fat storage hormone. You can have amazingly fast fat loss results by completely eliminating refined carbohydrates from your diet.

Boosting your metabolismThe smartest thing that you can do is to boost your metabolism. When your metabolism is elevated, you burn more calories around the clock. One of the easiest ways to do this is by doing weight resistance exercises. These are the best exercises to lose belly fat. Weight resistance exercises are extremely energy intensive during and after the exercise. After each exercise session, there are microscopic tears in the muscles. The body repairs these tears by tearing down these damaged muscle and rebuilding stronger muscle fibres. This process is extremely energy intensive. Some research has shown that weight resistance training can keep your metabolism raised for 24 to 48 hours.

Having 5 small meals spread throughout the day also helps to keep the metabolism revving. At the very least, it prevents your metabolism from dropping. When the body is continuously getting small portions of food, it does not get paranoid and activate its starvation response. When the starvation response is activated, the body fears that there is a food shortage. It is more inclined to store calories as fat and not burn it.

Simple steps that can take you a long wayThese simple steps can actually take you a very long way. If you normalize your hormonal system and boost your metabolism, you can get lots of natural fat loss in the belly area. It also becomes easier as you are working with your body and not against it. This is the easiest way to lose belly fat naturally.


Cheat Day Diet For Fast Weight Loss

Published on Nov 02, 2011 by Josh Schlottman

Most people don’t know that by going on a cheat day diet you can actually lose belly fat and more weight than you could while being super strict with your nutrition program.  There’s a ton of science behind it but there are some very careful stipulations you’re going to want to know about before you start rolling up to Pizza Hut.

Cheat Day Dieting Isn’t For Losers

When I first started getting pretty hardcore about my diet and initially found some of the 30 pounds of extra weight I had on my body started falling off but eventually I hit a plateau that I just couldn’t get out of to save my life.  I was slamming my head against the wall because I didn’t know what the heck was going on because I was so strict with my diet that I thought I would reach my goal in no time, but I was dead wrong.

I don’t care who you are I’m going to go out and say that dieting is hard for everyone.  Most people can’t handle it and after a few hours of momentary dedication they end up binging on half of the McDonalds menu.  And I’m not one to talk because back when I didn’t know much about dieting I was doing the same things over and over again.

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Lose belly fat exercises

Local DiggMost people don't understand what's really arip less deep work on Firefox for: 0. no movement will lose fat belly. There are many reasons why this is.

EqualDifferent type of movement is different from the standard education and training, most of the people running the effect. walk or swim, and cardiovascular exercise the mind. Elimination of non-performance increases to improve their health really fat perfect exercise.

In the end the best belly fat, weight, exercise, body weight resistance metabolism is the loss of density makrawang after training mobility. When very different weight training for you and these muscle muscles muscular body to reassess the demolition of the recent recovery in the microscopic tears and textiles. Metabolic process the high power holding more dense.

Training high-intensity, high-performance timing considerations to select the always use the current intensity interval training Choiceif. Short rest periods of very high intensity exercise is stylish and different from the classic race.

You can eat carbohydrates and alcohol DietYou food is the most enthusiastic key issue is that bottle of fat. I suspect it is processed and refined carbohydrates, insulin, weight loss, almost impossible. On the other hand, alcohol is a full stop in the fat burning.

How to layout a more holistic approach to cover local fat weight. Lose weight 7 must conform to the Edit button on her way, and weight loss if you follow the principles of the comprehensive weight loss fat belly does not remain abroad.

Healthy Snacks For Weight Loss

Published on Nov 13, 2011 by Josh Schlottman

Just the other day one of my boot camp members was asking me if I had any ideas for on the go. And then whamo! I thought it would make an awesome blog post to write about that anyone can eat on the go.

It’s obvious that most people are super busy with their lives and to find time to fully prepare meals makes it harder and harder to stick to nutrition programs. Skipping meals should never be an option for most people because they can actually make your body stop the fat burning process.

Skipping meals halts the fat burning machine because your metabolism will slow down as your blood sugar drops as well. Doing this for an extended period of time will cause your hunger to increase dramatically until the point that most people end up binging. And when people end up binging they usually totally overeat too much of the bad stuff leading to even more fat gain.

Not to mention when your blood sugar gets that low and you eat something unhealthy, most likely bad carbs, you’ll splash your blood sugar levels which will cause an insulin release lead to fat storage. In other words you’ll get fatter.  No bueno.

Crappy “”

A lot of people also are unaware that many of the snacks that they’re eating are actually bad for them when they’re supposedly marketed as “healthy”. Some of the snacks include  

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Weight Loss Meal Plan - Eat To Lose

Weight Loss Meal Plan
When you are running around, trying to keep up an active lifestyle it can be tough to keep track of a weight loss meal plan too. The best way to get the most out of your diet, and find a successful path to weight loss is to create a weight loss meal plan to keep yourself on track.

Where to Start When Making Your Weight Loss Meal Plan
Start with a pen and paper. Write down your goals and when you want to achieve them. Don't rely on your memory, it will fail you on purpose. When the fast food junkie pops its head up and demands a double cheeseburger with fries, it is all too easy to forget your best intentions and drop your diet plan in favor of a craving.

Keeping On, Keeping On
When you are following a dieting plan, remember to allow yourself the ability to be human. You are going to slip up now and then, and when it happens the temptation is to just say "Forget it" and throw away the whole weight loss idea. Giving up doesn't solve the problem, however. If you forgive yourself for a minor error, you can continue on and be successful instead of gaining the weight you lost back and never reaching your goals.

Refresh Your Daily Meal Plan
One of the best ways to lose weight is to drink a lot of water. Keep yourself refreshed with plenty of water as you follow your weight loss meal plan and watch the pounds just melt away.

Lose Weight by Bulking Up
Eat lots of fiber to keep your system moving and weight going down. When you create your plan include healthy sources of fiber like fruit, vegetables and whole wheat bread.

Weight Loss Meal Plan 2
Cut out Fatty Carbs
Not all carbs are created equal. Carbohydrates from vegetables and fruit are good for you and the body breaks them down well. However, pastas, breads and other carbs don't break down well and will make it hard to lose weight if you include them in your weight loss meal plan.

Fit the Numbers
When you make your meal plan, use a BMR calculator to find out what your basic metabolism rate is, and what your minimum calorie requirements are. If you end up with a BMR rating of 1600 calories, create a weight loss plan that includes at least that many calories each day so you don't starve yourself in an effort to be healthy.
In addition, for added help in getting the most out of your healthy dieting plans, check out "Eat Healthy Lose Weight" for a truly healthy approach on dieting that breaks the old diet myths, and eliminates the need for fads that do more harm than good.

Laxatives For Weight Loss That Work

Laxatives For Weight Loss
One of the most popular methods for losing weight today involves using laxatives for weight loss. When people hear 'laxatives', many think of enemas or pills designed to help with constipation. The laxatives used for weight loss are very different, and while they are sometimes offered in pill form, they more frequently take the form of teas.
Occasionally these teas are not advertised as laxatives at all, but instead use deceptive names like "slimming tea" or "dieter's tea." Of course their active ingredients (aloe, buckthorn, cascara, castor oil, rhubarb, and senna) are almost always laxatives.

While these ingredients are natural, that is not a guarantee that they are always safe. This deceptive marketing can actually prove to be quite dangerous.

The idea when using laxatives for weight loss is to flush fatty substances out of the body before they can be digested and absorbed. Unfortunately, studies have shown that the quick-acting effect of laxatives does not significantly contribute to weight loss, as the laxative moves through the body too quickly to absorb calories.

Long-term use of laxatives for weight loss may be more successful, but ultimately may be very dangerous too. Even when you do not take a laxative with every meal, their cumulative effect on your body and more specifically on your digestive system may cause you to get prolonged diarrhea.
This condition may prevent your body from properly digesting food, thereby causing you to lose weight. Unfortunately it's not a healthy weight loss and is considered by many doctors to be a form of starvation. This method is frequently used by both bulimics and anorexics and can lead to serious health issues.

The use of laxatives for weight loss is especially dangerous for women that are pregnant or are trying to get pregnant, as these products strip vital nutrients from the body.

Ongoing use of laxatives may even interrupt a woman's regular menstrual cycle and affect her fertility. The use of laxatives with certain prescription drugs may also increase your risk of suffering from severe side effects because of the increased sensitivity in your stomach and intestines.

Laxatives in any form and taken for any significant duration of time may have side effects of their own including but not limited to: stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, loose stools, gas, dizziness, rectal bleeding, and severe dehydration. Ironically, prolonged use of laxatives may even cause constipation as your digestive system stops functioning correctly.

Instead of using laxatives for weight loss, consider other healthy alternatives. For example, there are many teas that can effectively be used as part of a diet plan because of their low calorie content and active ingredients that boost both your metabolism and energy level.

There are also diet pills and supplements (both natural and artificial) that can encourage your body to burn fat faster while still allowing your body to absorb and process the calories and nutrients that it needs. For information on diet products that are both safe and effective, consult with your physician.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Weight Loss Success Stories

Weight Loss Success Stories
Weight loss success stories cover parts for permanent elimination of belly fat and thigh fat. Focusing on ways to live healthy trumps all dieting behavior. When you target making significant and important changes in your lifestyle, it enhances your eating habits. Let me show you how interconnected four simple ways to live healthy can be for writing your own weight loss success stories.
Weight loss success stories - Nutrition
When it comes to weight loss, dieting does not work. Why? Because it is a short-term fix that usually involves rigidity, or severe restriction of certain foods. You can establish the necessary calorie-deficit needed to lose weight safely and sensibly just by getting rid of foods that are harmful to you, and making food choices from selections produced by Mother Nature.
You can have more energy, and feel more satisfied, just by following a few elementary tips for your eating plan.
  • Eat with awareness. Know what you are putting in your mouth each time you eat.
  • Get sugar foods (boxed cereals, pastries, desserts, fruit drinks, soda, etc.) out of your current diet. These foods taste good, but sugar foods are the biggest saboteurs of weight loss success stories for women.
  • Reduce the amount of processed foods (those that come boxed, in cans, or wrapped in plastic) you eat. Yes, they taste delicious, but that is because the fat has been altered, sugar added...and chemicals pumped into them. Work hard to get them out of your diet.
  • Go easy on grains. They are touted as health foods, but in reality they are bloated with carbs and calories. Whole grain pasta, bagels, bread, and pizza taste wonderful, but they are also very easily stored on your waist and hips.
  • Raw fruits, vegetables, unprocessed nuts, and solid (wild fish, turkey, grilled chicken, venison, buffalo) protein sources are the building blocks of a lifetime eating plan. Each meal or snack should contain a serving of each.
  • Solid protein sources are far more beneficial than protein drinks. Shakes do not satiate you, and you'll end up eating more food. Solid protein sources make you feel full...and they take more calories to digest!
  • Several small meals are much better for your blood sugar levels that three large ones. Maintain blood sugar levels and you maintain insulin release.
  • Drink more water. (Not tea, coffee, or diet pop.) An ounce of water per every two lbs. of body weight is good to shoot for when you start. Even slight dehydration can bring on feelings of being "empty"...fooling you into thinking you need to ingest more calories.
Weight loss success stories - Move more
As part of weight loss success stories, regular and consistent exercise is all part of a comprehensive change to a more positive lifestyle. However, there is absolutely no need for extreme routines that leave you mentally drained and physically exhausted. Keep in mind: There is NO WAY you will ever be able to run-off or exercise-off all of the calories needed to write your own weight loss success story.
Exercise goes hand-in-hand with optimal nutrition when it comes to establishing a calorie-deficit. Quality nutrition reduces the amount of calories, while intelligent exercise builds lean muscle tissue to burn more. This lean muscle also gives men and women a toned and fit look, as opposed to being slender, but flabby.
There are to types of exercise for you to consider: Strength training with weights and cardio that includes interval training sessions.
Weight training should focus on multi-joint lifts (squats, rows, pull-ups, etc). Isolated exercises simply do not stimulate enough of a metabolic response to increase your lean muscle tissue effectively, plus many of them are now contraindicated. Your workouts should never take more than 45-60 minutes.
Your weekly cardio routines needs to combine steady-state movements with sessions of high-intensity interval training. You will need to gradually work up to these workouts. Keep in mind, walking on the treadmill while reading PEOPLE magazine means you are not working hard enough during your steady-state sessions. 30 minutes of daily cardio will do wonders for you mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Count on being a little sweaty, out of breath, and red in the face when you exercise. It is part of improving.
Weight loss success stories for women are loaded with following a plan of regular and consistent exercise that is well-thought out.
Weight loss success stories - Get a good rest
The next weight loss success stories come in a way you take a rest and the amount of time you sleep. Approximately 40% of all adults are sleep deprived and about 75% exhibit some form of sleep disturbances. The lack of adequate rest has been directly linked with an increase in body fat because it is during sleep that the critical hormonal responses related to human growth hormone take place.
Getting quality rest takes some planning just like it does for your nutritional and movement needs. Simple strategies like going to bed at the same time each night, taking a warm shower before bed, eating some protein (and staying away from carbs) to keep you satiated all night, and not getting worked up with texting, surfing the Internet, or watching TV all play a major role.
Keeping your room dark helps promote the secretion of melatonin, which greatly enhances deep sleep. Keeping your bedroom free of clutter and making your bed each morning promotes a relaxing atmosphere.
These simple tactics for ways to live healthy go a long way in helping you author your own weight loss success story.
Weight loss success stories - Get poisons out of your life
Weight loss success stories contain many instances of overcoming self-defeating behaviors that include smoking, anger issues, excessive drinking, and even drug usage.
Addictive behavior affects all areas of your life. Thousands of women have been helped by caring and insightful professional counselors and support groups that confront your issues in a gentle, but healing way. Friends are great, but it is difficult for them to be objective. If you truly want to make lasting changes, you need to look outside your social network for professional guidance.
Please know that people seek counseling because Life can be a mess. You are NOT the mess. You are looking for ways to live healthy in situations that trigger powerful emotions.
Weight loss success stories are made up with chapters that interconnect and elements that continually influence each other. As you follow up these advices, you will be writing your own weight loss success stories.

Fat Burning Supplements That Work

Fat Burning Supplements
These years, there are several fat burning supplements which come in the form of capsules and tablets in the market. People doubt the capacity of these pills. It creates confusion all over whether they actually work or not. If you are not sure about them too, I have got choices of certain fat burning supplements. They are herbal and organic in nature, and are totally harmless and have no side effects. Guarantee!
Green Tea: There are two types of fat in our body - Brown fat and Yellow fat. Yellow fat is the layer of fat that is immediately visible beneath the skin, while brown fat is the type that accumulates just around the skeleton, and triggers the yellow skin's process of slowing down the metabolism rate. Green tea is really good in helping shed the excess fat by melting it, and also increases in speeding the metabolism rate.
Lip Tropic Agents: There are certain agents that work as fat burning supplements. They accumulate around the liver and help prevent further accumulation of fats around the liver. They also help in weight loss by reducing body fat and controlling the cellulite.
Omega 3: Omega 3 is a fatty acid which reverses the weight gain phenomena and helps control risks such as heart diseases (caused mainly by saturated fats). Fish cod oil, soya bean, walnut etc. are all examples of food rich in omega 3. For all vegetarian brothers and sisters out there, you can try linseed oil instead of the above mentioned since it serves the same purpose. This is one of the newest types of fat burning supplements in the market you can find.
Fat Burning Supplements
7 Keto: 7 Keto is a new brand of fat burning supplements that guarantees weight loss for an individual like you. Newest researches have revealed astonishing results and speak highly of this supplement. It is said that they increase the levels of thyroid hormone T3 and affect it positively, thus decreasing the problem of being overweight.
Guarana: This is a fat burning supplement that works by stimulating our adrenal glands to release adrenaline. This product has some side effects, but can be avoided by drinking water after consuming it.
Acetyl L-Carthinine: This chemical agent is a health booster and a metabolism rate catalyst, which works in the positive way.
Remember! The fat burning supplements above can help you shed those extra pounds and that big tummy of yours when you take in proper proportion. And it's not necessary to do hard exercises, or follow starving diet of some sorts. You can just have up to 4 meals a day with any food you love. With minimum exercises, you can lose up to 9lbs in 11 days! Claim your pride today to get slimmer, healthier and more confident!

Weight Loss Solutions - Motivation

Weight Loss Solutions
As promised, I am back with a related topic to losing belly fat today, it is weight loss. Why do weight loss solutions relate to belly fat solutions? It's easy. Because when you gain belly fat, your weight is gaining too. Either way, it's the same problem, right?

If you gain lots of weight, is it difficult to lose some? Well, it is! Motivation is the only way your body and mind can get together to deal with weight loss solutions. There are many weight loss solutions on the street right now. But no matter how good that weight loss solution program you follow is, you won't lose weight at all unless you have a positive mental attitude. This is very important and I ask you to commit with yourself before you ever begin one. When you look at it there are books and magazines that offer weight loss solutions. Unless you motivate yourself it's not gonna work.

A few famous weight loss solutions include "weight loss diet" "weight loss secrets" and "diet solution program". But the truth is do you want to go around looking fat and ugly? Of course not, right? You have to believe in yourself that you can do it and you will lose weight. It's that simple. Prepare your mind and body to lose weight by first telling you that the program is going to be hard. Yes it is, just admit it! Do not even think that trying to lose weight by dieting and then exercising on an almost empty stomach is the way to lose weight. No it isn't. You'll be tempted to stop the program. You'll be tempted to give up and go easy on yourself. Please don't do that. Ask for a family or a friend to help you out to finish the program and you should be fine.

Try to get the best motivation to lose weight. Get yourself a new dress or promise yourself a treat if you can follow your weight loss pattern for a day or even a week. You have to remember that success will be sweet. The compliments will come flowing in and you will immediately feel prettier and more beautiful and elegant. You just need to get motivated into losing weight and you will do fine.

Finally, before buying or checking any other programs/tips/methods anywhere, ask yourself one simple question: do you really want to lose weight or you just beat yourself up with the habit of reading random tips that produces nothing? My suggestion would be easy. Commit yourself to a program and buy one to follow! That's it.

Lose Belly Fat Fast - A Common Problem?

Lose Belly Fat Fast
Hi there, David here and today I'm going to introduce to you your nightmare - belly fat. But there is a cure to lose belly fat fast, if you follow it properly. 
First off, how to lose belly fat fast is a very interesting topic these days among several of us causing by currently unhealthy and sedentary lifestyles. Stomach fat is positioned quite deep in the human body and may bring about numerous ailments at instances which include diabetes, heart disorders and cholesterol level. Therefore belly unwanted fat not only raises visual problems but also complications to our health. 
By using fat diet programs or methods would not only end enlargement of stomach but would also help our inner system to fight unwanted fat and eventually diseases. You have to slowly stop eating five-six mini meals in a day so that you can commit to the program we are talking about here.
Just say for now we have to stick with our 3 major and more substantial meals.
Losing belly body fat would be a breeze. I advise commencing day with loaded breakfast and ending it with light dinner. Apart from frequency of meals, kind of meal is also crucial. Some food items aid lose belly unwanted fat like fish/ vegetables/ fruits/ black chocolates and so forth. Contrary to this, a handful of foods demolish the efforts to lose belly fat. Foods significant in saturated fats/ sugar should be avoided from our diet program. If you are hunting on guidelines on how to lose belly fat, also please glimpse to drinking correct amount of water. Drinking water is necessary and essential for our human body as it can help liver operate and then accelerates unwanted fat burning process as liver has the skill to melt away fat saved in reserves and convert it to vitality. So drink a lot and lots of drinking water, but keeping away from complete dairy drinks like milk shakes or chocolate drinks and gentle drinks. Better alternate is Refreshing fruit juice but eating fruits is even greater. Learn more about this system on the next post.